Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Scenario Role Playing

I was teaching a group of firefighters this past weekend.  We had the final incident for the Hazmat class on Sunday.  During this incident, I got the chance, as i try to do for every class, to role play.  I am not silver screen quality, but I enjoy myself. 

This time I was an owner of a transport company that employed a driver named Fred.  Fred started his daily delivery by not only going to the wrong location, but managed to drop off (literally) two drums of hazardous chemicals without knowing he had done so.  Fred was probably in the CB radio, since he does not have a phone.  He is my sisters cousin, so what's a guy to do!!

While role playing, I got to interact with several of the students with leadership positions in the drill.  The more questions they asked, the more information I gave them, most of which had no bearing on the information they were trying to get out of me.  I finally gave in and gave them bits of information that they needed for sucessful completion of the drill.  It is always interesting to see how people react when they ask you a serious question, and your reply is not only drawnout, but has no bearing on their question.  I kept them tied up for 10 minutes with just continuous rambling and off topic discussions. 

When role playing, I play particular attention to the questions and terminology that are used.  For example, a placard on a truck can either mean the DOT placard for hazmat or to not hazmaters, it could be the signs on the trucks that are used for identification.  It depends on the information that you are looking for. 

Role playing is a great way to enhance your training and can be used for a variety of topics.  It allows the students to put in to practice what they have learned in the classroom. 

1 comment:

Ckemtp said...

Yea, the students seemed pleased with your role-playing. Seiously, I think that you're ripe for the silver screen.

Billy Bob Thornton got famous... why not Billy Bob Trucking?

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